Vaileen had been staring at her souls for hours. She was lying with her back to the wall, letting the silence crush her. It felt like she was slipping into the fabric of the world. So, she stared at her souls in their little yellow shells, their faint glow thrumming inside like a heartbeat. Vaileen put her hand to her chest and massaged the prickled skin. Indeed, there was a flutter underneath her flesh and bone, but it felt disconnected. It had been ever since her love was lost. She looked around her house, tucked in the cavity of a coral reef. There was a table that had once been set for two. Shriveled-up anemones lay in a glass vase in the center. Her love insisted on putting sea flowers all over so the house felt alive. Now the only life sat inside six shells. Vaileen opened her mouth to sing to her souls, but her throat felt dry. The last time she had spoken was three weeks ago when a diver plunged off a boat and began stabbing the fish in the reef above. Vaileen had felt the vibr...
Del Sol SFF Review is a co-publication of the long running Del Sol Review. We strive to give writers a place to publish quality speculative fiction regardless of type or genre.
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